Bridges Training
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Bridges Out of Poverty Training, an NFREP initiative of Opportunity Alliance Nevada, addresses economic instability by examining the barriers and resources individuals encounter. We do this by facilitating a number of workshops designed to bring businesses, education, health and human services, and justice systems together to ask if everyone in our community is afforded a ‘Fair Shot’: safe and affordable housing, access to health care and education, a well-paying job and a means to achieve it. Bridges opens up conversations with and between service providers and businesses whose daily work connects them with the lives of people in poverty.
Bridges Out of Poverty
CEUs Available for Social Workers & Nurses
Bridges Out of Poverty Day One is a thorough and intensive workshop based on the framework set in “Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities.”
CLICK HERE for information and to register for upcoming Bridges Out of Poverty Trainings!
In DAY 1, workshop participants explore a wide-range of issues around poverty like the following key points: Schools and businesses operate from middle-class norms not always understood across class and the people most affected by poverty must be included in the creation of an accurate model of poverty.

NOTE: Please check back later for the new training schedule.
In Bridges DAY 2, workshop participants learn how to implement Bridges’ constructs and tools in their workplaces and in the community. DAY 2 will be scheduled at a later date.

Bridges to Healthcare
CEUs Available for Social Workers & Nurses
NOTE: Please check back later for the new training schedule.
Getting Ahead
Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World is a book and a 16-session curriculum that helps individuals in poverty build their resources for a more prosperous life for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Check back for our next “Getting Ahead” classes. More information will be available soon! Please check back!
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Contact Us…
Opportunity Alliance Nevada
316 California Avenue #5
Reno, NV 89509
(702) 546-9880
- Facebook: NVOppAll
- LinkedIn: Opportunity Alliance Nevada
- Twitter: @NVOppAll
- YouTube: Opportunity Alliance