Liliana E. Wilbert, MPH, is Healthy Money Habits Program Coordinator with Northern Nevada HOPES.

Liliana Wilbert is the Healthy Money Habits Program Coordinator at Northern Nevada HOPES. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Ecology (2007) and a Master of Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology (2015) from the University of Nevada, Reno. She is passionate about public health, and feels fortunate to have worked in the field in different capacities. That experience has allowed her to see public health in diverse areas ranging from communicable disease epidemiology to intimate partner violence (IPV) and child abuse.
In her current role, she addresses the health-wealth connection among the patient population at Northern Nevada HOPES and believes that economic stability is a social determinant of health that can significantly impact health outcomes. She is a certified Getting Ahead Facilitator as well as a trained Financial Coach, both of which she implements in her current work with the community to address the health-wealth connection and support poverty alleviation. Liliana grew up in South Lake Tahoe, CA and has been a long-time resident of Northern Nevada, so it is no surprise she is a big fan of snow and the year-around outdoor activities the area has to offer.